Friday, August 10, 2007

blogging, are you addicted.

55%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Mingle2 - Dating Site

I don't consider myself as addicted to blogging. I mainly blog for my ECMP class and occasionally through some interesting tidbits about what is going on down under. But apparently I use it more than I thought.


DRS said...

I hit 70%...that might even be low ;)

Red Neck Girl said...

nope, not addicted.
I guess I am at minus 80%.
Doesn't fit my lifestyle. On the farm I am lucky to get in the house before midnight and then I drag by weary body to bed. Exhausted. At my work - I don't have a computer - I broadcast live.

I don't have any interest in it either - which I suppose doesn't help me do it. Can see the advantages for students and will use it in the classroom but for now - no can do!