Saturday, February 7, 2009


I really do not like reflecting, and have found that I enjoy looking and seeing what others have to say. In this past week I have come to learn that I do this with many things. I like sitting back and scoping out the situation before contributing and forming my ideas. In a way this is good because I take into all opinions and facts before making up my mind but in another way I feel like I am not knowledgable. I don't have a direct opinion. Meeting a person for the first time I tend to feel that person out before putting myself out there. Once I know the person then I know how to react and where my boundaries are. I am beginning to think that maybe I have some trust issues.... I also feel like reflections are personal but I know they are a big part of the education profession. I do think about how things could be done better or differently but I do it at the time and then move on, I don't live in the past... I live in the here and now and what can I do next.

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